

AocCollectionInit(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor)

Decorator function to add collection init functions to the context. The annotated methods in a class will receive an AocCollectionInitArgs object

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
target any No
propertyKey string No
descriptor PropertyDescriptor No
AocFilter(entityName: EntityName, name: string, cond: AocFilterCond, enabled)

Decorator function to add filters to the context

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
entityName EntityName No

Name of the entity

name string No

Name of the filter

cond AocFilterCond No

Filter condition to apply

enabled No false

True if filter must be enabled always, defaults to false

AocQueryBuilder(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor)

Decorator function to add query builder functions to the context. The annotated methods in a class will receive an AocQueryBuilderArgs object

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
target any No
propertyKey string No
descriptor PropertyDescriptor No
AocSessionToken(constructor: T)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
constructor T No
AocSubscriber(constructor: T)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
constructor T No
AocThreadSafe(advisoryLockName: string)

Decorator function to add thread safe functions to the context

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
advisoryLockName string No
AocTransform(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor)

Decorator function to add transform functions to the context. The annotated methods in a class will receive an AocTransformArgs<Value Type, Entity Type> object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
target any No
propertyKey string No
descriptor PropertyDescriptor No
AocUserDefinition(userConfig: AocUserConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
userConfig AocUserConfig No

results matching ""

    No results matching ""