The AOC Framework
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The Framework

What kind of applications is this framework suitable for creating?

The AOC framework (aoc-dev) was developed with the idea to facilitate the process to create all sorts of business management software. It fits perfectly well for the spectre of ERP applications. Financial accounting, management accounting, order processing, customer/supplier relationship management, and data services are common areas a software could cover. It allows the developers to reflect vendor's interpretation of the most effective way to perform each business process.

What are the available deployment options?

You are free to use any option like on-premises, cloud hosted (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Linode, any VPS provider...), or SaaS.

How often are new versions released?

The primary focus is on maintaining stability while introducing new features, and it's expected that the vast majority of architectural choices will stay constant in the coming period. The AOC framework uses semantic versioning (x.y.z). Every version features a comprehensive changelog to help you identify any necessary code adaptations. Please check the API to learn more.

What are the best ways to learn this framework?

It is recommended to read the Documentation and explore the Quest for Atlantis demo application and it source code, you can run it in your own computer. The more familiar with Angular, Node.js, Express, MikroORM, and PostgreSQL you are, the better.

Can I use aoc-client/aoc-server one without the other?

Yes, it would make sense to use aoc-server in case you need the API endpoints and use a different front end, or vice-versa.

Do I need to pay to use this framework, build an application, and sell it to my customers?

If you make a commercial usage, yes. Check the prices page.

Where can I find support or help?

There are several options, you can join our Discord channel and ask there. Besides that, there is a Q&A section in the aoc repository Github Discussions section, feel free to post youy question there and it might be answered by the team, a community user, or both. You can also ask questions on Stack Overflow using the tag aoc-framework. In case you are looking for paid services, please email Atlantis of Code.

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