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Create An Application #

To create an application, you can use the aoc-cli tool that allows you to execute tasks for automatic code generation.

Installation Of Aoc-cli #

To install the latest version of aoc-cli, run this command:

npm install -g @atlantis-of-code/aoc-cli

Generate An Application With The generate Command #

aoc-cli new app -n my-app

Executing this command will download the project template aoc-app-template and configure it according to your choices. It will interactively ask for database connection options and generate configuration files.

As a result, at the end of the process, you will see that a folder named my-app has been created, and inside it, there will be 3 folders: client, common, and server. Additionally, there will be a folder named sql, which will contain the .sql file that has been applied to the database.

To learn more about the generate command, see the aoc-cli reference.

Start The Application #

Once in the application folder, you can run the following command:

npm start

This command will concurrently run the client and the server. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4200, where the Angular client application will be served. The server will run at http://localhost:3000.

Also included is the command npm run update:all to update all packages for all projects (client, common, and server).

More Information About Aoc-cli #

Refer to the aoc-cli reference section to see all its commands and possible options.

Please note, browse Issues and Discussions in Github for more information

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