#This component is used to display a table (or list) of models, with pagination and a toolbar.
Name | Type | Description |
modelConfig | AocModelConfig | The model-config |
columns | AocGridColumn[] | Array of columns to define the grid |
restOptions | AocRestOptions | The loading options for the rest api |
where | AocFilterQuery | Search conditions that will be merged with restOptions |
groupColumns | AocGridGroupColumn[][] | Headers for column groupings |
addSearchInput | boolean | Add a text input for searching |
searchInputPlaceholder | string | Text "Search..." |
buttonConfig | AocGridToolbarButtonConfig | Toolbar button configuration |
customSort | (sortEvent: AocUiTableCustomSortEvent, queryOrderMapArray: AocQueryOrderMap[]) => void |
Function to define custom column sorting |
rowLimits | AocUiPaginatorRowLimitOptions | Define row limits for the paginator |
groupConfig | AocGridGroupConfig | Group configuration (groups are row groupings) |
emptyGroupDescriptor | string | Label for rows not belonging to any group |
autoExpandAllRows | boolean | Auto-expand all rows |
rowNgStyle | AocGridRowNgStyle | Style for rows, can be a function |
rowNgClass | AocGridRowNgClass | Class for rows, can be a function |
selectMode | 'single' or 'multiple' (default) or null/undefined | Single selection, multiple selection, or no selection allowed |
autoSelectFirst | boolean (defaults to false) | Autoselect first item after loading |
selectionStyle | 'normal' or 'checkbox' | Selection style, normal with control and shift, or with checkboxes |
modelEmitter | AocModelEmitter | Emitter for model selection |
modelListener | AocModelListener | Structure for managing changes in the model |
dynamicFormGroupConfig | AocDynFormGroup | Configuration of dynamic FormGroup |
Name | Type | Description |
whereChange | AocFilterQuery | Emits the change in the where condition |
restOptionsChange | AocRestOptions | Emits the change in the restOptions |
selectionChange | Array | Emits the change in the model selection |
modelsChange | Array | Emits the change in models |
loadingChange | boolean | Emits the change in the loading state |
<aoc-grid [modelConfig]="modelConfig" [columns]="columns">
<ng-template aocGridCell="current" let-isCurrent="value">
<span *ngIf="isCurrent" class="material-symbols-rounded">check</span>
protected modelConfig = inject(FiscalYearModelConfig);
protected columns: AocGridColumn<FiscalYear>[] = [
header: FiscalYear.i18n.IS_CURRENT,
display: [ FiscalYear.field.IS_CURRENT, aocUiTplRef('current') ],
size: '8rem',
align: 'center'
header: FiscalYear.i18n.YEAR,
display: FiscalYear.field.YEAR,
defaultSort: 'desc'
Complete example at quest-client/src/app/features/schemas/common/fiscal-year/fiscal-year-grid.component.ts
In this example grid for clients (Customer), we have columns for code, legal name, trade name, phones, and email. Additionally, in the first column, we will draw a birthday cake if it's the client's birthday.
<aoc-grid [modelConfig]="modelConfig" [columns]="columns" [where]="where" [restOptions]="restOptions">
<!-- Add some filters to the right of the toolbar -->
<ng-template aocUiToolbar="right" [formGroup]="filterFormGroup">
<input type="checkbox" aocUiInputCheckbox="Today's birthdate" formControlName="byBirthday">
<app-gender-autocomplete allow="none" formControlName="byGender" placeholder="Filter by gender..."></app-gender-autocomplete>
<!-- Draw cake icon if it's the customer birthday -->
<ng-template aocGridCell="birthday" let-isBirthday="value">
<span *ngIf="isBirthday" class="material-symbols-rounded" aocUiTooltip="Todays is his/her day...">cake</span>
<!-- Email template to be able to send a mail via mailto -->
<ng-template aocGridCell="email" let-email="value">
<a *ngIf="email" href="mailto:{{email}}" target="_blank">{{email}}</a>
<!-- Expander to show the full address -->
<ng-template aocUiTableTemplate="rowExpansion" let-rowData>
<p>{{rowData.addressTemplate.street_number ?? 'No number'}} {{rowData.addressTemplate.street_name}} {{rowData.addressTemplate.streetSuffix.name}}</p>
Additional data: {{rowData.addressTemplate.additional_data ?? 'None'}} |
Floor: {{rowData.addressTemplate.floor ?? 'None'}} |
Door: {{rowData.addressTemplate.door ?? 'None'}} |
Block: {{rowData.addressTemplate.block ?? 'None'}} |
Area: {{rowData.addressTemplate.area ?? 'None'}}
<p>{{rowData.addressTemplate.city}} - {{rowData.addressTemplate.state}} - {{rowData.addressTemplate.zip_code}} - {{rowData.addressTemplate.country.name}}</p>
ngOnInit() {
const today = new Date();
this.columns = [
header: '',
display: [
(birthdate: Date) => getDayOfYear(birthdate) === getDayOfYear(today),
size: '4rem',
align: 'center',
sortable: false
header: 'Code',
display: Customer.field.CODE,
defaultSort: 'asc',
size: '8rem',
align: 'right'
header: 'Legal name',
display: [ Customer.embedded.LEGAL_DATA_TEMPLATE, (ldt: LegalDataTemplate) => `${ldt.legal_name} (${ldt.document_number})` ],
orderBy: {
legalDataTemplate: { legal_name: 'auto' }
header: 'Trade name',
display: Customer.field.TRADE_NAME
header: 'Phones',
display: customer => [customer.phone1, customer.phone2].filter(p => p?.trim()).join(' - '),
orderBy: {
phone1: 'auto',
phone2: 'auto'
header: 'Email',
display: [ Customer.field.EMAIL, aocUiTplRef('email') ],
orderBy: { email: 'auto' }
this.filterSubscription = this.filterFormGroup.valueChanges.subscribe(filters => {
this.where = {};
if (filters.byGender) {
this.where.gender = filters.byGender;
if (filters.byBirthday) {
this.restOptions.filters = { filterByBirthday: {} }
} else {
this.restOptions.filters = {};
Complete example at quest-client/src/app/features/schemas/customers/customer/customer-grid.component.ts
Full definition in the API.
Please note, browse Issues and Discussions in Github for more information