The AOC Framework
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<aoc-autocomplete> #

This component is used to display and select a model from a list loaded from the backend.

Visually, it is a dropdown that uniquely allows you to type inside its input for searching.

Inputs #

Name Type Description
modelConfig AocModelConfig The model-config instance that will be used internally
display AocModelConfig Defines how the model will be displayed, by default uses the transform from the model-config
restOptions AocRestOptions The loading options for the REST API
where AocFilterQuery Search conditions that will be mixed with restOptions
overlayMaxHeight string The maximum height of the selection overlay (default 200px)
minlength number Minimum number of characters to start a search
optionsPerPage number Options per page in the overlay (default 5)
modelEmitter AocModelListener Emitter for model selection
modelListener AocModelListener Structure for managing changes in the model, mainly used to add dependencies from another component in the where
dynFormGroup AocDynFormGroup Dynamic FormGroup configuration
optionNgStyle AocUiNgStyle Defines a style for the overlay options
optionNgClass AocUiNgClass Defines a class for the overlay options

Less significant inputs have been omitted

Outputs #

Name Type Description
whereChange AocFilterQuery Emits the change in the where condition
restOptionsChange AocRestOptions Emits changes in the restOptions
modelsChange Array Emits the change of models
onFocus any Emits on focus
onBlur any Emits on blur
onDropdownClick any Emits on dropdown click
onQuery any Emits on search
onInputEnterKeyPressed any Emits when enter is pressed

Example #

<aoc-autocomplete [modelConfig]="modelConfig" [restOptions]="restOptions" [placeholder]="placeholder"></aoc-autocomplete>
export class GenderAutocompleteComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() placeholder: string;

  @Input() allow: AocModelConfigAllow;

  protected restOptions: AocRestOptions<Gender> = {
    orderBy: {
      name: 'asc'

  constructor(protected modelConfig: GenderModelConfig) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    if (this.allow) {
      // Change permissions, useful for hiding add, edit, and delete buttons when used as a filter
      this.modelConfig = this.modelConfig.cloneWithAllow(this.allow);

See the full example at quest-client/src/app/features/schemas/common/gender/gender-autocomplete.component.ts

Api #

Full definition in the API.

<aoc-autocomplete-local> #

This component encapsulates <aoc-autocomplete> in a way that allows it to use local (in-memory) models. It is useful when, for example, a field in a form depends on information selected in the same form that has not yet been persisted to the database.

Inputs #

Name Type Description
modelConfig AocModelConfig The model-config instance that will be used internally
aocModels AocModel[] The array of models that the aoc-autocomplete will use
placeholder string The placeholder text that will appear in the input

Api #

Full definition in the API.

Please note, browse Issues and Discussions in Github for more information

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