The server configuration is done with two files located within the server folder:
The second file is intended to contain confidential parameters and should be in .gitignore
, therefore,
it would not be included in the version control system.
When starting the server, if it detects the existence of the aoc-server-secrets.json
file, it will merge its content
with aoc-server-config.json
, overwriting only the defined properties. Therefore, it is a good place to
specify the database password, etc.
In the configuration file, you can specify as many configurations as you need. You will see that by default
there is a configuration named "base"
. This configuration is taken as a reference.
If you specify another configuration, named "production"
, it will automatically merge with the "base"
overwriting repeated parameters.
When starting the server application, the configuration to use is determined following this order:
environment variable exists, it is used as the configuration name.NODE_ENV
environment variable exists, it is used as the configuration name."base"
is used.The last point refers to specifying environment variables with the name AOC_
followed by the property
in question, for example, AOC_programName
, AOC_postgres_password
, or AOC_mail_options_auth_pass
All properties are explained through the schema file aoc-server-config.schema.json.
Here is an example of aoc-server-config.json
"$schema": "node_modules/@atlantis-of-code/aoc-server/aoc-server-config.schema.json",
"base": {
"appId": "myApp",
"programName": "MyApp",
"locale": "en",
"multiTenancy": false,
"node": {
"port": 3000,
"logLevel": "trace",
"requestLimit": "10mb",
"useAuthHelper": true,
"sessionSecret": "m1s3cr37",
"socketIo": {
"postgresAdapter": {}
"postgres": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"username": "postgres",
"password": "xxx",
"db": "myapp", // for multi tenancy, use any representative database
"debug": false // true to see SQL queries in the console
"mail": { // RECOMMENDED: to send emails through the application
"options": {
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"secure": false,
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": "xxx"
"tls": {
"rejectUnauthorized": false
"defaults": {
"from": ""
"reports": {
"workflows": { // OPTIONAL: in case you need extra data in reports workflows
"qpdfAbsolutePath": "H:\\Path\\To\\qpdf.exe"
"custom": { // OPTIONAL: in case you need extra values
Please note, browse Issues and Discussions in Github for more information