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Aoc-cli #

The npm package aoc-cli is a command line program that assists you with tasks related to automatic code generation.

Installation Of Aoc-cli #

To install the latest version of aoc-cli run this command line:

npm install -g @atlantis-of-code/aoc-cli

List Of Commands #

Command / Arguments Alias Description Default
generate entities g e Generates models, entities, and model configurations, and writes the resulting files
--baseDir -b * Path (folder) where the configuration files are located current path
--config -c * List of configuration json files that are merged from the last to the first. Can use absolute or relative paths. aoc-entities-config.json, aoc-entities-secrets.json
generate database g db Runs sql scripts found in the sql directory or a specified path
--name -n * Name of the database (should match the application name, if it's a single tenant)
--path -p * Path of the directory containing sql files that will be executed in ascending alphanumeric order
--config -c * Path of a json file that has an object with a "db" property, with fields "host", "port", "user", "password", "database" (do not use the database name you want to create, use postgres or any other admin user). db-secrets.json
--noConfirm * Do not ask for confirmation false
--connectionString -s * Connection string to Postgresql in the form of "postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/postgres". Use postgres as the database or any existing database to execute commands (takes precedence over --config)
--dropDb * Drop the target database if it exists before executing the sql commands false
--skipDbCreation * Skip the creation of the database false
new app n a Creates a new application (client, server, common and database)
--name -n * Name of the application in kebab-case (lowercase words separated by a hyphen) app-template
--noConfirm * Do not ask for confirmation false
--companionAocSrc * If true, the application will reference the aoc source code instead of using the aoc modules from node_modules false
--connectionString -s * Connection string to Postgresql in the form of "postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/postgres". Use postgres as the database or any existing database to execute commands
--dropDb * Drop the target database if it exists before executing the sql commands false
--skipNpmInstalls * Skip the automatic installation of node_modules packages after creating the application false
--skipDb * Skip the creation of the database and any related database operations false

You can see full descriptions by adding --help at the end of each command.

aoc-cli --help
aoc-cli generate --help
aoc-cli generate entities --help 

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